keys.htmlTEXTGoMkÿ╖=<╖=<üüµ The Keys pane
The “Keys” pane

    This is where you can choose shortcuts to navigate between windows and applications with the keyboard.

Importante note :

For best results, please do not use the Command key () in the shortcuts to navigate between windows. Although this key is not forbidden, if you use it, the shortcuts might not work is some applications !


Bring last window to the top :

    Bring the last window of the front-most application to the top.
    By default, the shortcut is Control key + up arrow

Send front window to the back :

    Send the front window of the front-most application to the back.
    By default, the shortcut is Control key + down arrow

Exchange the two frontmost windows :

    Exchange the front-most window of the front-most application with the window just behind it.
    By default, the shortcut is Control key + tab key (Ctrl+)

Next/Previous application :

    These two shortcuts lets you navigate forward and backward in the application list.

    The next-application shortcut works like follows :
    Press down Command + tab
    (+) and keep Command () pressed. This will hilite the next application in the application-switcher that Wapp pro displays next to the help menu. Then each time you press again the tab key (), Wapp pro will hilite the next application in the list. Wapp pro will switch to the hilited application ONLY when you will release the Command key. If you want to cancel the action, keep the Command key held down, and press the Esc key. Then release the Command key.

    The previous-application shortcut works the same but backward instead of forward.

Last frontmost application :

    Will switch to the last application that was active before the frontmost one.
    By default, the shortcut is Control key +tab key

Next pane : Nav

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